Meticulous Planning (2): All ground units get two movement actions instead of one, which allows them to move in two steps (without increasing the total amount of movement points).
Perimeter Control (1): Friendly unit in a hex cancels enemy ZOC.
Anti-Air Veteran (2): Anti-air units kill instead of suppressing targets.
Killer Team (2): +3 heroes at the start of the campaign.
Flexible Command (1): Splitting units does not take up unit slots units can split and merge unlimited times per turn.
Deadly Grasp (1): Encircled enemy units suffer twice the penalties.
Trophies of War (2): Double captured equipment and prestige when enemy units surrender.
Auxiliary Force (1): More auxiliary forces per mission (+50%, based on available core slots).
Battle Academy (2): +25% experience growth rate.
Master of Blitzkrieg (1): +1 movement for tanks, easier minor river crossing.
Operational Initiative (1): Units gain +4 initiative on first turn, bonus reduced by 1 for every turn down to +1 that remains for mission.
Deep Recon (1): Reveals map around primary objectives Recon accuracy bonus +5%.
Liberator (2): +50% prestige for capturing flags.
Industry Connection (1): 15 or 20 random prototypes in every mission.
Panzer General (2): Tank units take -25% slots.
Infantry General (2): Infantry units cost -25% slots.
The sum of commander trait points must be positive at the end of commander creation. Panzer Corps 2 allows you to create your own commander at the start of the game - name and all - and select unique traits to distinguish him, with implications across the entire campaign.